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Updated 5 months ago

Freeze first column in Combustion Workpapers

At a glance

The community member suggests it would be helpful to see the asset name when entering data in later months of the year, as it is currently not visible on the screen. They also suggest adding a visual cue to show the row being edited, similar to Google Sheets.

In the comments, another community member expresses appreciation for the freeze column/row feature in Excel and Google Sheets, and has shared the suggestions with their team. They ask if it would be helpful to freeze other columns like location or fuel type, in addition to the asset name column.

The original community member responds that for this specific case, only freezing the asset name column is necessary, as the unit of measurement (Litres) is already clear on the page.

It would be great to see the asset name when entering in data in later months of the year. Currently this is not viewable on screen. An added bonus would be some visual cue to show what row you are editing, similar to Google Sheets (see screenshot below with 82 highlighted).

1 commentยท2 replies

Love the freeze col / row feature in excel and google sheets, definitely helps a lot when looking at all that data. Have shared it with the team, thanks for raising these suggestions Bailey!!

Thanks Bailey! In terms of where to freeze is it only the asset name column that would be helpful to have frozen or would other columns like location or fuel type also be helpful to have visible while you scroll?

Asset name is the only thing that matters to me for this specific case! In other worksheets sometimes the unit of measurement isn't clear, so ensuring that it's somewhere on the page would be helpful. It's clear here in Litres.