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Calculators... of all kinds!

Updated 2 months ago

Xero has inbuilt calculators in it's invoices and manual journals that are super helpful. I would love that in the workpapers in Sumday. In this case I am calculating the KMs travelled for multiple staff and would love to enter 1600 x 5 which is the round trip to Christchurch for 5 people.

There's a lot of opportunity on the table to reduce data entry if it asked what locations you are travelling between and number of travellers. Or even, learning from the transaction data to suggest the locations that we can review and enter.

1 comment·1 reply

Hey Bailey! Have you used our Business Travel workpaper template from the Resources section in Sumday Academy?

The workpaper template aims to facilitate the calculation of activity data like km travelled. Curious to hear if you found it useful or not, whether it's helpful with the data you're able to collect for this business?

Have shared the inbuilt calculators idea with the team too :)

I haven't had a look at it, but will!

If this worksheet works best with an associated workpaper it would be great to have it linked on the page. I really like how the Supplier Engagement functionality has embedded help content. That would be useful here as well, especially if there are other resources that should be used. One use case is even explaining the unit of measure. Tkg and Pkg aren't very clear for newbies. And Tkg is a lot different to kg!